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The right to believe, to worship and witness
The right to change one’s belief or religion
The right to join together and express one’s belief

Thank you for considering making a donation to support Forum 18’s work.

Forum 18 provides truthful, original, detailed, and accurate monitoring and analysis of violations of freedom of thought, conscience and belief in Central Asia, Russia, Russian-occupied Ukraine, government-held Ukraine, Belarus, and the South Caucasus particularly Azerbaijan.

A Norwegian-Danish-Swedish initiative, Forum 18 is a non-profit charitable foundation registered with the Danish Tax Authority (SKAT). Its CVR/SE-number is 34929998 and its collection permission reference number is 23-700-06379. Its Bylaws are here.

All online financial donations will be used to support all parts of Forum 18’s work monitoring and analysing freedom of religion and belief violations and not any particular part of the work. Donations from some countries can be tax-deductible.

Online financial donations to support Forum 18’s work can be made via the Trustbridge Global Foundation. In the field “Contribution Purpose”, please write: “For Forum 18’s work”.

Trustbridge Global Foundation processes donations for Forum 18 under Trustbridge’s own Terms and Privacy Policy.

Forum 18 does not receive or have access to any financial or other information provided by a donor to Trustbridge Global Foundation, except for the donor’s name and the amount of the donation.

Questions and comments about donations may be sent to the Editor at:
f18news @ editor.forum18.org
Forum 18 News Service - Fond
c/o Danish Mission Council
Peter Bangs Vej 5B
DK-2000 Frederiksberg

Complaints may also be sent to the (Indsamlingsnaevnet) Fundraising Committee www.indsamlingsnaevnet.dk of the Danish Department of Civil Affairs.

THANK YOU for your donation to support Forum 18’s monitoring and analysis work for freedom of religion or belief for everyone.