The right to believe, to worship and witness
The right to change one’s belief or religion
The right to join together and express one’s belief
19 March 2025
TAJIKISTAN: Authorities obstruct Ismaili commemoration of Aga Khan's death
Ismaili Shia Muslims gathered at the Ismaili Centre in Khorugh in Mountainous Badakhshan on 5 February to mourn the death of their spiritual leader, the Aga Khan IV. NSC secret police officers and other officials removed loudspeakers for those unable to get in for lack of space, warning those who protested. Electricity to the Ismaili Centre in Dushanbe was cut off on 11 February at the moment the homage ceremony for the Aga Khan V began. The regime is taking steps to isolate Ismailis from the worldwide community.
18 March 2025
UZBEKISTAN: Ramadan ban on children at mosques, fasting by National Guard officers
Police have expelled children from mosques in Tashkent, Fergana and elsewhere or prevented them from entering during Tarawih night prayers since the Muslim holy month of Ramadan began in late February. "Police officers caught children present during the prayer, and drove them out, scolding and threatening them with punishment," one Muslim complained. "These children are under 18 and under the Law are not allowed to participate in religious activity," insisted Abdurahim Kadyrov of the Religious Affairs Committee. National Guard officers had to sign a pledge not to fast during Ramadan.
12 March 2025
UZBEKISTAN: Parents face punishment for their children's religious education
On 21 February, a new law came into force introducing fines of over one month's average wages or up to 15 days in jail for parents who allow their children to receive "illegal" religious education before the age of 18. Existing laws target those who teach religion to under-18s, not parents. Many Muslims expressed concern about the law before it was adopted. An official at the regime-appointed Ombudsperson's Office refused to put Forum 18 through to her, adding: "unfortunately we cannot give any information since it is all confidential".
10 March 2025
UKRAINE: Conscientious objectors prosecuted, jailed as "disobedient" soldiers
Officials took Baptist Serhy Semchuk to prison in Lviv in January for his 5-year jail sentence. The Recruitment Office had told him he could serve in the military without weapons. However, later a criminal case was launched when he refused to take up weapons. "We're in such shock," a church member says. "He doesn't want to kill." Conscientious objectors to mobilisation who were not in the military also increasingly face prosecution on "disobedience" charges, including 6 Jehovah's Witnesses on trial. Many Protestant and Jehovah's Witness conscientious objectors are on trial for refusing mobilisation.
4 March 2025
OCCUPIED UKRAINE: Religious freedom survey, March 2025
Freedom of religion or belief and interlinked human rights are seriously violated in Russian-occupied Ukraine. Forum 18's survey analysis documents among other violations: serious systemic freedom of religion or belief violations starting with the initial March 2014 invasion; pressuring, kidnapping, torturing, jailing, and murdering religious leaders; stopping meetings for worship, banning and closing religious communities; jailing prisoners of conscience for exercising freedom of religion or belief; banning religious texts and purging libraries; and "anti-missionary" prosecutions. Until Russia's occupation of Ukrainian territory is ended, the freedom of religion or belief and other human rights violations seem set to continue.
26 February 2025
OCCUPIED UKRAINE: Orthodox priest illegally transferred to Russian labour camp
Fr Kostiantyn Maksimov – who served a Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Tokmak in Russian-occupied Ukraine – arrived on 11 February at a strict regime labour camp in Russia's Saratov Region. Occupation forces seized him in May 2023. In November 2024 a closed hearing in absentia in Moscow rejected his appeal against his 14-year sentence on "espionage" charges. The Russian-installed Crimean Ombudsperson's Office refused to explain why Russian authorities illegally transfer prisoners from Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine – like Fr Kostiantyn and Jehovah's Witness prisoners of conscience - to prisons in Russia.
25 February 2025
KYRGYZSTAN: Religious freedom survey, February 2025
Freedom of religion and belief and interlinked human rights are under increasing threat in Kyrgyzstan. Forum 18's survey analysis documents: a 2025 Religion Law which among many other violations continues to ban exercise of freedom of religion or belief without state permission and denies communities without 500 adults from being allowed to exist; arbitrary refusals to grant registration to communities seeking state permission to exist; jailing and fining critics of the regime's freedom of religion or belief violations; and failures to bring the perpetrators of violent attacks to justice.
21 February 2025
UZBEKISTAN: Prisoner of conscience facing extra third jail term?
A court jailed prisoner of conscience Fariduddin Abduvokhidov for 11 years in 2020 for discussing Islam with others, and another court added an extra 10 years in 2023. Now the 30-year-old is on trial for a third time accused of distributing "religious extremist" material and leading a "religious extremist" organisation while in prison. Judge Bahodir Alikulov of Navoi City Court refused to say why Abduvokhidov is being prosecuted for the same "crimes" now in prison. "I cannot share the details of the trial with you based on our Procedural Code," he insisted.